Sims 4 Tuning 101: A Deep Dive into how Tuning is Generated from Python — Part 1
The Sims 4 is an extremely data-driven game. While it’s often hidden from the end-user (and to an extent, modders), The Sims 4 contains an extensive amount of external data, mostly in the form of XML tuning files, that gets dynamically loaded into the game by Python. In this this series of articles, I am going to take a deep dive into both sides of the loading equation, seeing both the Python that goes into defining the tuning, as well as how the XML tuning gets transformed into Python. Mastering these two frames of mind is crucial to having an intimate understanding of how to modify the game’s code using Python scripting — and how to design your own custom XML tuning as well!
These articles will assume you have some understanding of XML tuning and Python scripting as it pertains to the Sims 4 codebase, but I will try my best to explain things in a way that doesn’t force you to know Python in depth.
In this section, I will go over the basics of XML tuning tags and how to interpret what they mean.
Section 1: XML Tuning
For those unfamiliar to Sims 4 modding, pretty much the entire game — at least the portion that modders have access to — is stored in the form of compressed XML tuning files. These XML tuning files come in many forms, but the ones most useful to the “everyday” modder come in the form of pure text-based XML files that define everything from the interactions in the game to the moodlets Sims can receive.
Most modders may just simply accept the fact that the XML tuning is the way it is, and that the tuning may change between versions of the game. However, the curious and astute may wonder how the game knows what XML is valid and what is not. The answer is that these files are defined in the game’s core Python files. Understanding how these files are defined is particularly pertinent for those modders who wish to create custom tuning, but may also be of interest for the casual modder who simply wants to better understand the codebase of the game they are tampering with.
Tunables from the Perspective of XML
The game’s XML that is used to define things like interactions, buffs, traits, etc. all follow specific format guidelines. In this section I will go over a broad explanation of how these XML files are designed and set up, focusing at the moment just on the entities purely as XML files.
The ABCs of Sims 4 Tuning XML
There are 5 main tags the tunables within an XML file take (V
, U
, L
, T
, and E
), as well as a few special tags (namely I
, M
, and C
). Here I will give a brief overview of what each tag means in the context of the tuning files.
High-Level Tags
The <I>
, <M>
, and <C>
tags can be thought of as “high-level” tags. <C>
is a little special in that it is only found within the <M>
tag, but it also functions differently than the other XML tuning tags do, and for this reason I am grouping it here with <I>
and <M>
What makes <I>
and <M>
unique, and to an extent <C>
, is that they are the main “building blocks” of tuning files: they are the top-level tag, and all other tags must be contained within either an <I>
or a <C>
within an <M>
In this section, I will overview how these three tags function within the context of XML tuning for the Sims 4.
The <I>
The <I>
tag, I being for instance, is the main opening tag for instances (not necessarily in the Python sense, which I will cover more later) of tuning classes — that is to say, it’s the tag used to define things like Snippets, Buffs, Commodities, Interactions, Traits, etc.
The definition of an <I>
is composed of 5 main parts: the c attribute, the i attribute, the m attribute, the n attribute, and the s attribute. Each attribute of the tag is important to defining what tuning you’re working with.
- The c attribute defines the class the tuning is. What this means is a little obscure when you think of the XML in a vacuum, and we will come back to this later, but for now it can be thought of as the “subtype” of tuning. For example, there are many different types of Interactions, and the c attribute tells the game which one you want.
- The i attribute defines the instance the tuning is comprised of. This is also a little obscure, but it in essence goes hand-in-hand with the type of tuning you’re using (think: is this an Interaction? a Buff? a Statistic? etc.). When we come back to the Python side of things, we will discuss a little about how this attribute tells the game which instance manager loads the file.
- The m attribute defines the module where the game’s Python can find the class. Again, this is more important when discussing the Python side of things, but for now, know that it is used to help the game find where the necessary code to read and load the file is.
- The n attribute defines the name of the tunable. Ideally, this should uniquely identify the tuning type and function. Different engineers on the Sims Team have over the years used different naming schemes, and modders tend to have their own preferred way of referring to tuning, but a general rule of thumb is something to the effect of
, such asLeRoiDeTout:DeathByTerror_commodity_FearTracker
. - The s attribute defines the hash, i.e. the instance ID of the tunable. Every tunable in the game is identified by a unique ID (with some exceptions — for example, SimData tuning must have the same ID as the corresponding XML tuning; objects follow a similar pattern; and for string tables, the instance IDs are the same except for 8 highest bits/first 2 hex digits, which define the language locale the string is for). This ID in general should be the FVN hash of the n attribute (at least for tuning that’s not from the game). Whether it uses 32 bits or 64 bits depends on the type of tuning and what you plan on doing with it (traits that are not personality traits, for example, can be 64 bits safely, but personality traits must be 32 bits for them to appear correctly in the UI).
The <M> Tag
The <M>
tag defines what are called tuning modules, which themselves are a little out of the scope of this article, but the concept of a tuning module is very closely related to the concept of a Python module.
The game uses tuning modules to define what in Python would be essentially static variables. One of the benefits and powers of Modules, however, is that they can reference tuning files just like everything else, which means that the Devs (and you, too, if you make custom modules!) can have the game load and create tuning for you instead of having to load/create it yourself.
On the technical side of things, a tuning module only has 2 attributes, n and s, which serve the same function as they do for tuning.
- The n attribute for a module not only defines its name, but also serves a similar purpose as the m tag on tuning files. It defines the path to the Python file that “backs up” the module definition.
- The s attribute here is special because it must follow certain rules. Unlike tuning, which can be hashed with much more flexibility, a tuning module’s hash must be derived from its name, substituting any periods with hyphens (i.e.
would need to be hashed asa-tuning-module
) and you must leave the “high” bit natural. Many programs that help you make tuning will allow you to check something called the “high bit” and for tuning modules, you must leave this setting alone.
The <C> Tag
Related to the <M>
tag is the <C>
tag, which stands for class. These tags are only found within module definitions and correspond to Python classes defined within the Python module that “backs up” the tuning module.
s only have one attribute, n, which corresponds to the name of the Python class.
Any of the other tunables can be used within a class definition, and we will explore them next.
Lower-Level Tags
These are the tags that make up the “meat” of most tuning. With some exceptions, these tags more or less function similarly in the XML, and have two main attributes: n and t.
- The n attribute stands for name and is used to associate a tunable field with a name that can be used to reference the value from the Python side of things. There are some exceptions to this, but they will be discussed below.
- The t attribute stands for type and is used to differentiate between tunings that can have the same name but different types. This attribute is unique in that it really is only needed for Tunable Variants (i.e. the
tag). I will discuss this more in depth briefly.
There is also on occasion the p attribute, seen when referencing image files in tuning. The p stands for path, but (at least from what I can tell) it is largely unnecessary for the actual code to function. Only the <T>
tag can have the p attribute.
The <V> Tag
The <V>
tag, the V standing for Variant, is a tunable that can have more than one “type.” This may be a little hard to conceptualise in the abstract, but you can think of it like this: If you needed a Vehicle, you can have a Bike, a Car, a Boat, or a Truck. In this case, all of these have their own unique properties — for example, a boat has rudders, while the other three have wheels — but they all fall under the umbrella of “a vehicle.”
The type of the variant that is chosen is determined by the t attribute on the <V>
tag. From the XML side of thing, the n attribute of the tag inside of the <V>
must match the name of the t attribute.
Using an example from some of my own code, we can see above the <V t="buff">
and the corresponding <U n="buff">
There is also special type of TunableVariant called an OptionalTunable, which can most often be seen in the game as a <V>
whose t attribute can either be enabled
or disabled
. OptionalTunables are used as switches basically, where you either have a value or you do not (though, the “not value” can be customised as well to be practically anything, but this is important for the Python).
One interesting fact to keep in mind, and which will be covered more when I tackle the Python side of things, is that the game is agnostic to the type of variant you choose. To go back to the example I used earlier with vehicles, the game will just know you have a vehicle. To get around this, there are a few methods that will be discussed later, but one of the best solutions is to use what are known as TunableFactories.
The <U> Tag
The <U>
in the <U>
tag stands for tuple. For those of you with a bit of knowledge in Python will be asking yourself if this has something to do with the Python data type tuple
and unfortunately I’m here to inform you that they are not really related. (They are in truth more closely related to the concept of a namedtuple
object.) In this case, a TunableTuple is more akin to the mathematical object called a tuple, which is a group of elements. Unlike the math definition of a tuple, however, these tuples are not order-dependent.
A TunableTuple object is basically a way to group related tunable values together, giving them a specific (and hopefully descriptive) name.
On the Python side of things, TunableTuples can be defined in two main ways: just a TunableTuple object itself, or a more elaborate object called a TunableFactory. In a later tutorial, I will explore TunableFactories and what you can do with them, but for now, what’s important to know about them is that they take the <U>
tag and they are often used in conjunction with <V>
As a bit of a teaser, the real power of TunableFactories is that they are self-contained Python classes, and so they “know” what they are — this is especially powerful for use with TunableVariants, which do not have a way of knowing what variant type was chosen. They also get all the benefits of Python classes — namely access to their own data and methods that can be used to manipulate said data.
The <L> Tag
The underlying mechanics behind the <L>
tag depend greatly on how it’s defined in the corresponding Python, but when it comes to the XML, you can think of the <L>
tag as a list.
Lists come in a few different flavours so to speak and each one has slightly different semantics. The prominent ones will be discussed below:
- “Regular”
s: These are just a group of items. Some lists have restrictions, such as the maximum or minimum amount of elements allowed within the list, but for the most part, they’re what you expect. - Mappings: These are special
s that are made up of<U>
s with two values, usually namedkey
. A mapping, also called a dictionary, is an association between a name (the key) and a value (the value). When we discuss the Python side of things, we will talk more in-depth about dictionaries, which in Python are found in the form ofdict
objects. - Sets: Sets are a math term for a group of unordered elements (i.e. {1, 2, 3} and {3, 2, 1}, which are to be considered the same, even though the order is different). Each element in a set is by definition unique: multiple instances of the same value would be ignored.
- Enumerable Sets: These are
s whose values are of<E>
s. This means that the values you can put in are limited.
The type of <L>
that you encounter in the tuning depends on how the tuning is defined in the Python, and likewise how the XML tuning is loaded into the game as Python objects is also dependent on the type of tuning. This will be explored more when I discuss the Python side of things.
The <T> Tag
The T in <T>
stands for tunable and represents a single value. How this value is interpreted by the game depends on the “type” of <T>
tag it is, which is, as always, dependent on how it is defined in the Python.
There are three main types of <T>
- “Primitive” values: These values are primitive in the sense that they are “simple” values and mirror the primitives of Python. These can be numeric — more specifically an integer
or a decimalfloat
; Boolean — abool
object, being eitherTrue
; or raw text, in the form of astr
object. - Reference values: These are the type of
we are all most familiar with. This type of<T>
references another tuning class (an<I>
), and the value between the tags matches the instance ID (s attribute) of the tuning file. - Resource values: These are
s that reference values that are not other types of XML tuning (that is, not an<I>
). Notable examples of this include Strings, Object Definition IDs, Icons, and CAS Parts.
The <E> Tag
As we have seen, the XML tuning is often very intimately tied with Python concepts. This is especially true of the <E>
tag, which stands for enum. An enum, or enumeration, is in essence a predefined set of values that each have an associated name which you can use to refer to them.
Two notable examples of enumerations used in the game are the ParticipantType
enumeration and the Tag
We will discuss more in depth how enumerations are declared and defined when we take a deeper look at the Python side of things, but the E
tag is more so than some of the other tags deeply dependent on its Python equivalent, the Enum
Enums come in two main categories, those that are defined purely in Python, and those that are termed “dynamic”. Dynamic enumerations, such as those from the Tag
enum, have their values loaded by the game and are described in tuning modules.
Dynamic Enums have special syntax, and uses tags we have already discussed: <M>
and <C>
to define the Python class and Enum name; an <L n="_elements"></L>
declaration which defines the dynamically loaded elements, and a list of <T>
s with the special attribute ev for enum value.
An excerpt from the Tag
enum is pictured above, showing how dynamic enums are declared in module tuning. Note that each ev attribute must be a unique integer, as this is how the game differentiates one enum value from the next.
In the next section of this series of articles, I will be exploring the Python side of things.
Continue to section 2 of this series here.
Edited by the wonderful Kuttoe.